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Re: The Elusive MWave for Win95 is back!

At 10:48 AM 1/22/96 -0500, you wrote:
>I had an opportunity to snake them while they were still around.  If anyone
>has a public FTP space they'd like them stashed on, let me know.

I just cannot help but wonder why IBM keeps yanking them off!
Could they be extremely buggy, and each time IBM puts them on the site and
then finds some nasty problem with them??  personally, the win16 drivers
work well enough that i am not certain i want to run non-officially
resleased alpha software drivers...  could the folks who grabbed a copy
please post here how well they do or dont work.  thanks.

what other motivation could IBM possibly have for yanking them off ?
anyone from IBM on this list care to comment?

>At 06:44 1/22/96 +0000, you wrote:
>>Just checked and these files are gone.  Has anyone else been able to 
>>get them?
>>   It's on ftp.pc.ibm.com in /pub/mobiles.  The files are:
>>        mw95210.doc
>>        mw952101.exe
>>        mw952102.exe
>>   I just downloaded them, but haven't had a chance to do anything with them.
>Michael Klenner

Todd Tannenbaum
CAE Model Advanced Facility
email: tannenba@engr.wisc.edu  ph: 608-262-3118