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Re: suspend/hiberate feature on 755Cs in Windows 95

At 11:04 AM 1/19/96 -0800, PCCHAN@POMONA.EDU wrote:
>At 08:11 AM 1/19/96 -0800, PCCHAN@POMONA.EDU wrote:
>>>I am unable to suspend/resume my
>>>computer or place it in hibernation mode.
>>Did you install the Advanced Power Management part of Win95? Check the Power
>>icon in the Control Panel and make sure that it's set to Advanced.
>yeah.  i did that already but it didn't work.  i also tried forcing it into apm
>1.0 mode but that didn't seem to help either.  any ideas?

Hmmm.... My CX works fine. I installed the Utlitities and Win95, selected
Advanced, and it works....

Steve Hultquist                                Worldwide Solutions, Inc.
Distributed Systems and Internet Engineering           Boulder, Colorado