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Re: 755cd pentium upgrade

"....I though that a 100MHz DX4 system had a clock rate of 33MHz.  In order 
     to run a 75MHz Pentium, doesn't this mean that the system clock has to 
     be changed to 25MHz?  If this is the case, won't the reduced system 
     clock speed slow down other aspects of the system, like disk and video 
     Is the Pentium upgrade really an improvement?...."


most dx4/100's, *including* the tp 755cd are clock-tripled on a 33mhz board.  
(most other ibm dx4/100's are, much to their own undoing, clock-doubled on a 
50mhz board.)  most pentiums, i'm told, run 3 instructions per 2 clock cycles, 
so a 75mhz pentium runs on a 50mhz board.  i don't know if this applies to this 
particular upgrade, but i would also want to find out if this pentium chip is 
of the p24t variety.  if so, don't do it.  the p24t technology is like a 
pentium sx.  it's 64 bit internally, but 32 bit externally, and the 75mhz 
version runs (according to ibm) about 10% slower than a dx4/100.

Michael J. Verne
Systems Analyst, Ventana Communications Group