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Re: My review and experiences w/ 760CD

Serenella asked:

"> ANyway, I managed to completely install DOS, WIndows and OS/2 from CD ROM
> (the latter requiring some fiddling due to the annoying VGA fix).

Could you please specify what fiddling did you have to do, and which
"annoying VGA fix" you are referring to? I am planning to rearrange the HD
to install Boot Manager, OS/2, Dos, WfW and WinNT within the next couple of

You have to run TP VGA Fix for OS/2 twice.

First you follow the directions for installing image files from the CD ROM
onto the hard drive.

Now start the OS/2 install. At the point where it wants to restart to
continue the installation, instead use diskettes 0 and 1 to get an OS/2
command prompt.

At this point, I found I could NOT run the repvga command file, despite
the documentation, but you can find the relevant files and replace them

Now continue with the installation. At the end, instead of restarting 
again load diskettes 0,1 to the command prompt, and now you can run
repvga as in the documentation.

the idea is that the standard vga drivers do not work, they must be replaced
or you will get a blank screen (so much for compatbility!)