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Re: My review and experiences w/ 760CD

> One thing that is really annoying about the 760CD is the silly
> pre-installation, which makes one big FAT partition. Since this
> makes the OS/2 installation pretty much useless, you are forced to 
> reinstall. I wish they would have two partitions, one empty, and
> initially FAT, that you could reformat to HPFS, oh well!

I fully agree with you. When I ordered my TP760CD from PC Direct, I
specifically asked if they would repartition the system to my specifications
(I was even willing to pay a fee for it!)  but they clearly stated it was
not a service they were willing to prpovide.

> ANyway, I managed to completely install DOS, WIndows and OS/2 from CD ROM
> (the latter requiring some fiddling due to the annoying VGA fix).

Could you please specify what fiddling did you have to do, and which
"annoying VGA fix" you are referring to? I am planning to rearrange the HD
to install Boot Manager, OS/2, Dos, WfW and WinNT within the next couple of

Any other help or tips will be greatly appreciated.

Serenella Ciongoli