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Re: SlimPCMCIA SCSI - Warp

 I've been using it with the following driver without any difficulty on Warp 
Connect on a 755CE and 755CX ....   Simply add it to your config.sys someplace 
after PCMCIA support ...

-Bill Abt

 - T160SCSI.ADD 

P.S.  I hope you can see this attachment (I'm using Lotus Notes).  If not 
please send me an FTP address where I could download it to ...

	eyrich @ zedat.fu-berlin.de (Christoph Eyrich) 
01-02-96 10:11 PM
To: tp750 @ cs.utk.edu @ INTERNET
cc:  (bcc: Bill Abt/CAM/Lotus)
Subject: SlimPCMCIA SCSI - Warp

The Adaptec SlimPCMCIA SCSI card is supposed to work with the TPs.
So far I haven't succeded in getting it to run on both a 755CX and
a 720. First I thought this might be problem with the MCA of the 720
but then it didn't work on the 755CX either.

When I use the most recent aha152x.add, Warp simply crashes with a
Trap error on the 720. On the 755CX I get the following message:
os2 is unable to operate your hard disk or diskette drive.

If I use an older aha152x.add (02.05.94) the system boots but cannot
load the driver ("Driver failed to load").

Using PC-DOS 7 I can use the SCSI-card on the 755CX but not on the

Any ideas? Adaptec told me that this might be a problem with the
termination power but so far I wasn't able to check this (I used
the active termination of the hard disk).

Thanks for any kind of hints or help! (I know that this list doesn't
cover 720s but this one got the smaller drive, hence there is more
pressure to get the external drive running...)

Christoph Eyrich
