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damn thinkpads!

That's quite true... I had a couple of problems with a mono 720 running
os2: IBM told me that the 720 is too old to have the relevant information
around. My recent experiences with their helpline were frustrating: none
of the people I was talking to recently did know what he was talking about 
(which isn't always the case, fortunately). When I had a question about the
755CD the guy didn't even know that there is a TP with an internal CD-Rom 
In Germany it is next to impossible getting to know any technical details
of TP hardware. If you need reliable information you have to order the
appropriate reference manuals. I don't know why it has to be like this but
it seems that IBM prefers that way.

Christoph Eyrich

> From: "David W. Young" <dwy@ACE.NET>
> I was playing with win95 on my tp720c the other day when everything 
> collapsed. Every running application protection faulted. Clicking the 
> details button revealed that the fault occurred in WSPDSF.DRV, which is the 
> old 640x480x256 driver for windows 3.1 that I have to use to get 256 color 
> graphics. After a reboot, the machine now goes into a constant loop of 
>  faults right after the pointer is displayed.
> I reinstalled the video drivers from a backup disk and the problem 
> persists. I downloaded the archive again from IBM's website to no avail. 
> I'm stuck with boring (albeit speedy) 16 color graphics with Microsoft's 
> VGA driver.
> IBM's position on this particular model of thinkpad is something like 
> denial of its existence. They mention the fact that the 95 support for the 
> 720c is lousy on their website, but don't plan on doing anything about it. 
> Phone calls and visits to service centers lead to sales pitches.
> Anyone have similar problems? Solutions? Commiserations?
> Dave
> --
> David W. Young
> Internet Systems Consultant
> Tel: 201-798-5217  Pager: 917-313-9319  Internet: dwy@ACE.NET