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Re: dsp modem from win95

yeah.  right on.  i got the same setup here.  i am quite sure i
have the mwave 2.0 drivers.   though, if i go into control panel
and click on modems, i get listed 'IBM Thinkpad 14.4 MVave Data
Fax', and the mwave 2.0 is 28.8, right ?

unfortunately, no win3.1 on the machine.  i think at this point
i will try to get ibm tech support, although i have heard that
ibm doesnt make intense efforts to support win95.

thanks again for the reply.


On Thu, 21 Dec 1995, Dennis J. Gormley wrote:

> We have 9 TP755CEs running Win95 with the DSP MWave modem that we use for 
> telecommunications tasks and training.  They all work OK.
> The guy here who upgraded them from Win 3.1 (or whatever was installed when we 
> got them) seems to remember that he updated to MWave 2.0 before doing the Win95
> upgrade.  Do you have the 2.0 MWave drivers?
> You may also want to check the programs under Think Pad, especially DSP and
> Serial.  Under DSP, I have the following settings:
> Mwave DSP:
> 	DSP Device = Enable
> 	I/O Address = 4E30h
> 	IRQ = Irq10
> 	DMA channel = DMA7
> DSP Function: 
> 	MIDI (not checked)
> 	Sound Blaster support (checked)
> 		I/O Address = 220h
> 		DMA channel = DMA1
> 		IRQ = IRQ 5
> Telephony Function:
> 	Modem (checked)
>         	COM2 (2F8h, IRQ3)
> Under Serial I have the following settings:
> 	Serial Port A = Disable
> 	Serial Port B = Disable
> We use either the TrackPoint, or attach a MicroSoft PS/2 mouse to the port on
> the right in the back; we've never had to make any configuration changes to use
> the PS/2 mouse.
> Good Luck!!
> \          Dennis J. Gormley                           Tel:  (215) 222-1532
> \\         Operations Manager                          Fax:  (215) 222-0416
> \\\\       Health Sciences Libraries Consortium        Int:  gormley@hslc.org
> \\\\\\     3600 Market Street, Suite 550                          
> H S L C    Philadelphia, PA   19104-2646              
> Celebrate the winter solstice festival within the parameters of your social,
> ethnic, and/or religious persuasion.
> The opinions etc.
> =-=-=-==-=-=-==-=-=-==-=-=-==-=-=-==-=-=-==-==-=-=-==-=-=-==-=-=-==-=-=-==-=-=-=
> Original message(s) follow:
> > From:	MX%"kensey@wired.com" 21-DEC-1995 00:31:22.22
> > Subj:	dsp modem from win95
> > 
> > i dont think that win95 sees my dsp modem.  i am also kinda bummed 
> > that there is no winterm equivalent.  it seems the dial-up
> > networking accessory app is for something entirely different.
> > when i try to use it, it tells me that it cant find my modem,
> > and i think it is trying to look for an external modem on com1.
> > 
> > i am using a thinkpad 755cx.  i have a phone line jacked in to the
> > connector on the side of the thinkpad box.
> > 
> > so, anyone successfully get to the dsp modem from win95 ?
> > 
> > thanks for any help.  i am going to go home and plug my modem
> > into com1, and see if that works (i expect it should).
> > 
> > doug