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Re: Mwave2.00 and Win95 overcommited

At 10:45 AM 12/15/95 -0800, you wrote:
>Keep in mind that the MWave cannot do both MIDI/Wav/SoundBlaster functions
>and v.34 (28.8kbps) at the same time.  The IBM tech support kid said "Hey,
>what do you want?  You got a modem and sound board in a laptop."  "Yipee!" I
>said.  "So does your competition..."  
>I went ahead and got a PCMCIA Ethernet/v.34 Modem combo card which frees-up
>my MWave to do the *important* sound stuff ;]

This is not true.  i do Wav sound and MIDI (about 8 voices) while connected
at 28.8baud on my thinkpad 755CE.  i also can use Internet Phone
successfully, which both utilizes the 28.8 modem and obviously WAV sound at
the same time.

i am using win95, MWAVE 2, and run a plus-pack "theme" which has sound events.

98% of the time i have no problems using the modem at 28.8 and using the
sound events at the same time.
sometimes, very rarely, after i dial-in, my sound events "go away", i get
similar problems as mentioned below, and the machine becomes very sluggish
when trying to open up new menus.

i think i have detected a pattern to all this (not certain however):
here is what i do to avoid problems:
1) before using the modem, make certain a "sound-event" has been triggered
at least once in your win95 session. (press the Start button, whatever).  it
seems like you want MWAVE to have to spit out at least one WAV sound before
using the 28.8 modem (perhaps so it loads the WAV sound code first?)
2) do _not_ trigger any sound events while the modem is dialing and
negotiating a carrier; i.e. patiently wait and don't be mouse clicking while
the modem is connecting.  once you are fully connected, then continue your work.
3) i think i have had worse luck when i try using modem/sound together after
i bring the machine up out of "hibernate" mode than when i do a "real" power
up (i.e. give a chance for MWAVE to boot up clean).

hope this helps you out.

i have actually been very please with my sound capabilities while running
the V.34 modem; it actaully works better for me than the older version of
the MWAVE software did running just a 14.4 modem.... (back then i could not
run any MIDI with the modem, but with the new MWAVE software even MIDI works
while I am using the modem at 28.8, just with a reduced number of
simultaneous voices).


>At 12:37 AM 12/15/95 -0600, Chris Liljenstolpe (Swanson) - SSDS wrote:
>>        I have been running the MWave 2.0 code on Win95 and my Thinkpad
>>755CE for some time, but all of a sudden am getting "MWave overcommitted"
>>errors upon starting up a PPP session (I was doing this before with no
>>problems).  This just started a few days ago and, although the modem keeps
>>working, it becomes VERY unstable.  If I acknowledge the error
>>(overcommitted - stop an application and acknowledge), I end up having to
>>reboot to get the modem back.
>>        I have made no changes to the system other than using a new theme
>>about 1-2 weeks ago.  Any clues as to how to track this down, or what may be
>>causing it?

Todd Tannenbaum                           email: tannenba@engr.wisc.edu
Director of the Model Advanced Facility   voice phone: (608) 262-3118
Computer-Aided Engineering Center         FAX phone: (608) 265-4546
University of Wisconsin-Madison