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Re: How to rebuild stripped system (755cx)?

On Tue, 12 Dec 1995, Chris Osborn wrote:
> On Dec. 12 95, 20:08 PST, "John H. Kim" <jokim@tuna.mit.edu> wrote:

> > FYI, many of the APM settings remain even if you quit DOS/Windows/OS/2.
> > If you set the machine from DOS so it won't suspend when you close
> > the lid, then boot Linux, it won't suspend if you close the lid.
> > I do this to vary the screen and hard drive timeouts.  I don't see
> > why it should be any different for NeXTSTEP.
> No, that isn't what I mean.
> Under the 1.30 BIOS, closing the lid would cause NeXTSTEP to *try*
> to go into suspend mode, but it would just hang NeXTSTEP, because
> apparently the BIOS wasn't capable of dealing with 32bit mode. It
> seems that the 1.40 BIOS has fixed that.
> BTW, how do even disable just suspend mode anyway?

Boot DOS, or Windows, or OS/2.  Go to the power management utility
(PS2.EXE under DOS, icons under the other two).  One of the buttons
there should be for suspend/resume options.  Click it.  One of the
options will be a checkbox with "Suspend when lid is closed."  If
you toggle it, the machine will only go into standby mode when you
close the lid.

The Thinkpads determine if the lid is closed via a hardware switch.
I'd really be surprised if NeXTSTEP knew about this switch and was
trying to invoke suspend via APM on its own.  Of course if the new
BIOS fixes it, the point is moot.  I just find it handy for using
my old TP750 as an Internet-server-on-a-bookshelf, with the lid
closed.  ;)
John H. Kim         The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one
jokim@mit.edu       that heralds new discoveries, is not "Eureka!" (I have
jokim@tuna.mit.edu  found it!) but "That's funny ..." -- Isaac Asimov