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Re: hello again

At 18:07 95/12/09 -0800, phr@netcom.com (Paul Rubin) wrote:
>I rejoined the list last night after getting a used 755cx about a week
>ago (with no installation disks and no manuals).  It has had all the
>original software removed and Windoze 95 (the AOL of operating
>systems) installed.  I've ordered some manuals from IBM and plan to
>install Linux as soon as I can figure out how to do this via PCMCIA
>CD-rom or some other method (maybe NFS from my desktop machine, as
>soon as I get *that* back in operation).


I just installed Windows 95 on my 750M (*) from a CD-ROM hooked to a New
Media Bus Toaster PCMCIA SCSI card.  No major problem to report.  Of course,
it is slow, but usable.  Even with 12MB of RAM, it swaps a lot.  MS-Office
will probably be harder.

I already have installed Linux several times though the same PCMCIA SCSI
card.  I have a boot disk with a special kernel integrating support for the
Bus Toaster.  Linux is much lighter than Win95.  It does not have to swap,
even with X-Windows on.

(*) Yes, it is one of the first TPs that were shipped in France (where I was
at that time).  I spent a huge amount of time and effort trying to install
Linux, until the 2.88 drive problem was solved :-(


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