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adaptec SlimSCSI PCMCIA


I finally installed a NEC 3xp CDROM using a SlimSCSI adapter.
However, after the installation, I could not access the CDROM
after resuming from standby mode (i.e. Fn->F3). And after 
resuming from suspend mode, my 755cx crashes reporting some
TRAP error. I am wondering if anyone experienced something like
this before, and is there a solution. I believe I already got the
latest AHA152X.ADD driver. Actually, I tried one from
ftp.pcco.ibm.com and another one from adaptec's ftp site. 
I had problem with the drivers from both sites, however, the one
from ftp.pcco.ibm.com is worse.

Also, I had to have two config.sys in order to accomodate two
configuration, one with the CDROM, one without, since the os2cdrom
driver would not load if the CDROM is not connected at boot time.
Is this sound reasonable?

Thanks in advance.

-William Ng