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Re: thinkpad backup solutions

> wondering if anyone can suggest a good backup solution for a thinkpad.  i
> won't specify which because i would like something as generic as possible. 
> the following is what i am looking for (and probably so is everyone
> else!): 
> 1.  portable:
>     a) small and light
>     b) power source, with most desired at top
>        i. draws power from thinkpad (eg, keyboard/mouse port)
>       ii. has small/light universal power adapter
>      iii. adapters available for different countries (110/240/etc)
> 2.  reasonable capacity (1GB+)
> 3.  works with dos/win(3.11)/NT/linux/unix/mac
> 4.  not too expensive

	I don't know that you can have both #3 and #4.  ;-)

	Basically, if you want it to runn on any/all of the OS's you
listed, then it has to be SCSI--I don't know of any other options.

	And if its SCSI and 1 GB+, I think you're talking about
a DAT tape--pure and simple.  I don't know that any of the SCSI
QIC formats work on the Mac or Unix--I do know DAT works like it
was made for everything.  I have a DAT that does double-duty across
platforms (Mac & PC) quite nicely.  And Novaback for Win '95 (cheap
at about $40) software works on NT as well.  For the Mac, I recommend
Retrospect by Dantz Development.

	I don't believe you'll be able to find a DAY drive that
runs off the ThinkPad--in fact, you'll likely need to get a PCMCIA
SCSI adapter or a parallel-port based SCSI adapter.

	The good news is that SCSI DAT drives have come down in price
significantly over the last year or two.

	But you're still talking about $600 or more--perhaps more in
the way of $700 or $800 since you'd need an external.

	But it works beautifully for me.  I don't consider backup
as an optional piece of equipment--its required.  And SCSI DAT
makes the most sense for flexibility across platforms and capacity.

-----                                          ____________________________
Randy Whittle    whittle@usc.edu               |       WWW Hope Page:     |
USC Graduate School of Business (Fight on 'SC!)|          http://         |
 "Did you really think you could call up the   | www-scf.usc.edu/~whittle/|
     Devil and ask him to behave?"             ----------------------------
       -Fox Mulder on T.V.'s "X-Files" speaking to an occult practitioner