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My TP 701 is on the way !

I finally made the call,  I ordered a TP-701C  DX2-50  540
Meg HD, and the 16 Meg mem card.  I is on its way from

While I am here writing, I like the idea of a news group in
addition to the mail list, thought I would preffer a digest
of this mail list over any thing else.

Lastly, I am considering getting a Zip Drive, and I would
like any comments about pcmcia Scsi interfaces, and or
pcmcia CDROMs that are scsi.  I will eventually want a CDROM
for my TP, and it would be nice to have the scsi interface
work for both.  I am also interested in anyone who might be
using a Zip Drive now.

Kevan P.Riley

Vanderbilt Univ. Medical Center
BioMedical Computing Support
