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Re: YES newsgroup!!!

I'd have to agree with Ed.  The newsgroups allow a broader audience, and
although there may be more 'irrelevant' content, there will be a
proportional increase in very RELEVANT information that can be utilized
without flooding people's mailboxes.  We may also want to consider .binaries
and .forsale sub-groups to help direct misguided posters.

I don't buy the argument that UseNet news is less available than e-mail.
Any and all corporations and internet service providers allow some sort of
UseNet access... certainly within the comp.sys domain, which I believe is
where the name of the newsgroup is headed.

Move forward with the newsgroup and let me know how I can assist.


At 01:13 PM 10/31/95 -0800, you wrote:
>I disagree with Paulo.  Newsgroups are definitely the way to go.  They are a
>structured way of reading messages from a large group of people.  A mailing
>list only works when there are low volumes.  There is absolutely no
>difference between a newsgroup and a mailing list in terms of signal to noise
>ratio.  There is if the newsgroup is moderated, but I would be against
>moderating any thinkpad newsgroup.  As to the problems of certain people not
>being able to read a newsgroup when they can get a mailing list, thats not a
>problem at all.  I used to have that problem about 5 years ago when I used to
>have an account with no news access.  It was easily corrected by having
>someone who did have news access just send all the messages in certain
>newsgroups via an automated script to a digest that I recieved once a day via
>email.  I don't see why the mailing list couldn't contiue to that very thing
>for those who are deprived of news access.
>Date: 10/31/95 12:49 PM
>To: Edmond Bourne
>From: Paulo  Magalhaes
>On Tue, 31 Oct 1995, Derek V. Chan wrote:
>> Just wanted to reiterate...
>> All because there's a newsgroup doesn't mean that the mailing list has to 
>> die.  This will just give more options.
>Just wanted to reiterate, too...
>Newsgroup = more background noise
>Newsgroup = less relevant information
>Newsgroup = unavailable to certain people
>And, for these very reasons, I DON'T want the newsgroup mirrored on this 
>list, thank you very much.
>I rest my case.
>What's the obsession with newsgroups anyway?!?!
>Paulo Magalhaes  *  Dept. Neurology, Columbia University, New York, USA
>voice: (+1 212) 305 1665  **  fax: ... 305 3986  **  pm119@columbia.edu