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Re: comp.sys.laptops.ibm

> Someone mentioned it, and I agree that I think that it should be .ibm 
> rather than .thinkpad, since the name might change in the futre (e.g. 
> this list...).

  The potential problem is that many people will think ".ibm" means pc-clone,
(as opposed to Mac) and not realize that it means the group is for the
discussion of "true-Blue" laptops.  Thus, much of the comp.sys.laptops traffic
will probably either shift or be crossposted.

  How about:


  Would that get the point across?  :)

Seriously though, I don't see IBM ditching the Thinkpad name anytime soon, as
there's a lot of equity in that name.  It'd be stupid to throw away the
goodwill and recognition value of the name... (and IBM has *never* done
anything stupid, right? :) :) :)

  I'll cast my "vote" for comp.sys.laptops.thinkpad

  Whomever wants to get it started should check out the various news.* groups
for the FAQ on how to get a RFV going (Request For Votes) -- and be sure to
get everyone on the mailing list to cast their vote.  If the other thinkpad
list(s) are still active, be sure to get their input and support as well.

 Lew Jansen                        Systems Manager, High Energy Physics Theory
 lrj@hepth.cornell.edu     233 Newman Lab, Cornell University, Ithaca NY 14853