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Re: unsubscribe

On Mon, 23 Oct 1995, Mark_Strawcutter wrote:

Arie said:
> > - for once (a month or so ago) I actually needed info about TP750C and
> >   Win95, and NO ONE, not even one responce was offred.
> Sorry for your bad experience, mine have all been just the opposite.

Mine too, though there have been exceptions.

I hate to contribute to the noise here, but I this this is worth saying:

This is not a paid support list. If you post a question, there is 
absolutely no demand upon anyone reading to answer. We do it, and we put 
time into it, because we enjoy the process and take away something when 
we're done. But nobody is _owed_ an answer here, and if a question or 
request is posed and gets no response, the proper reaction is to either 
ask it again or go find the answer yourself.

I hate to sound irked about this, but I have had people mail me their
USENET postings that they directed to me a week or so earlier and I never
replied to, so I could answer their questions and solve their problems.
I'm only obligated to do that when I am getting paid, and I have yet to
get a check signed USENET or Thinkpad Mailing List.