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755c and sound in Windows 95

Hello all,

I have been off the list for a while, so please excuse me if the 
question has been asked and answered before. I have checked at the 
archive site, but there are no archives there for the past 3 months.

I need to get audio runing in Windows 95. I have never had it to 
work. I have tried to look into the document from IBM on Windows 95 
on my 755c with no luck. Now the audio is there, but only as a 
continous staggering sound. I can get it to stop by playing some 
sound (which also is continous = bi-bi-bi-bi......) and then press 
stop. But next time some sound is starting - it keeps going.

I have the latest utils (1.31), system disk (1.41), bios, video 
(1.33) and audio (1.41). I have even tried running the windows 95 
preparation utility. No luck. Now I have appended the Thinkpad audio 
device to the NODRIVER.INF file as suggested in the win95 document 
from IBM. The device is now not in conflict with anything. The irq 
(5, 10, 11 or 15), i/o addresses and DMA's are all correct according 
to the setup utils from IBM. 

Any suggestions ???
Please e-mail a cc directly if at all possible.

Thanks in advance.

Anders Nattestad

Anders Nattestad, D.D.S., Ph.D, 
Associate professor, Dep. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and 
Chairman of Information Technology division,
Dental School,  Faculty of Health Science, University of Copenhagen
Norre Alle 20, Copenhagen, Denmark, Ph.+4535326618, Fax +4535326625
WWW homepage : http://www.odont.ku.dk/home/Anders.Nattestad/