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Re: TP760 reviews?

> From owner-tp750@cs.utk.edu Wed Oct 25 13:42 EDT 1995
> Date: Wed, 25 Oct 1995 13:41:03 -0400
> From: Ernie Cohen <ernie@bellcore.com>
> To: tp750@cs.utk.edu
> Subject: TP760 reviews?
> Has anybody seen any reviews/benchmarks of the 760 series (e.g.,
> performance versus the pentium 755's)?

There was just a review of the 760CD in the New York Times yesterday.
Also, the November issue of PC Computing has a two-page review
of a pre-production unit of the 760CD.  

Finally, PC Week had a review of the unit on October 2, 1995 
in which it was stated that the 90MHz version under Windows 95 
"ran neck-and-neck with its 90MHz Pentium competition" and that 
doubling the RAM to 16MB almost doubles the system performance.