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Re: Win 95

>> The Windows 95 Resource Kit is a 1300 page manual that comes with software 
>> (administrative tools).  It lists for 50 bucks, most places sell it for 40.  
>> With my discount, I paid $27 for it.  It is an invaluable resource if you 
>> want to take advantage of all the stuff that is in Windows 95 (for example,
>> setting  up one of your machines on the network to be a fax server).  The
>> Windows NT Resource Kit is 4 volumes, and that one does list for a couple
>> hundred dollars.  The 95 Kit is available from CompUSA and probably most
>> other large-scale computer stores...

> Isn't this thrown in for free with the Win95 GA release on CD-ROM?  I know
> that there is a "resource kit" directory on my CD, as I've used it a few
> times in setting up the Win95 SLIP/PPP scripting software.
> Before throwing more money at Brother Bill, you might want to check your CD
> or borrow someone else's in the event that you have the floppy disk version
> of the Win95 distribution.

Gee, don't you think he can use the cash?  He isn't done wallpapering his new 
place yet!  Actually, you do get the tools on the CDROM, but you don't get the 
1300 pages of text.  I stand by my earlier contention that if you want to get a 
lot of detailed information on how to exploit many features in Windows 95, you 
should at least take a look at the book.  Also, if you are going to be 
responsible for rolling 95 out to a large population it has some good planning 
ideas.  I don't like tithing to Redmond much myself (being a former Lotus 
employee), but in this case, it's worth been worth it for me...
