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Re: whether to change the list name/scope

I think the decision should be made by the architecture of the machine and the 
level of interest.  The 75X's and 360's are in the same list because, 
architecturally, they're very similar.  I don't know of a peripheral device for 
one that doesn't work in the other.  So far, I've been skipping all the 760 
postings, so I don't know if the same can be said for them.  The pertinent 
issue is whether or not the preponderance of tech tips/Q&A/advice given for 
75X's and 360's applies to 760's.  The other issue is volume.  I'm a big fan of 
the delete key, but if the machines don't logically belong in the same list, 
and there's enough volume of chatter about the 760's to support a separate 
list, then it should be separated.  There's no reason why anyone can't subscribe
 to both if they so desire.  The volume appears to be enough for a separate 
list.  I don't know enough about the 760 to say whether it logically fits this 

Michael J. Verne
Systems Analyst, Ventana Communications Group, Inc.