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RE: Possible bug with Win95 and MWave 2.0?

Hi Lew,

	I also have a 755CX/Mwave2/Win95 and have not experienced the problem you describe.  The sound I have associated with the Recycle Bin comes from one of the themes in the Microsoft Plus Pack, rather than the toilet.zip package.  Also, I have 24MB RAM if that makes a difference.  I *have* noticed that with Mwave 2.0 (as opposed to 1.10), Win95 SLIP/PPP connections do not terminate correctly - when I push the Disconnect button, several tasks that show up in the task list stop responding, including the Mwave Discriminator.  I end up having to shut down and reboot to get a stable system again.  This was never a problem with Mwave 1.10 and I haven't changed any other system configuration items since.  While I'm thinking about SLIP/PPP, does anyone on the list besides me use both?  I have two service providers, one supports only PPP, the other only CSLIP.  In order to switch back and forth between them, I've been going through the Internet Setup Wizard, which requires me to set up all my IP info *every* time I run it.  Is there a way to save a snapshot of a Dial-up Networking configuration and later restore it without having to type in all the information?  

From:  Lew Jansen[SMTP:lrj@hepth.cornell.edu]
Sent:  Tuesday, October 03, 1995 6:05 AM
To:  tp750@cs.utk.edu
Subject:  Possible bug with Win95 and MWave 2.0?

 Can someone else check this out before I spend the time calling IBM about it?

 I have Win95 and the MWave 2.0 drivers on my Thinkpad 755cx.  I have sounds
associated with a couple system events, one of which is emptying the recycle
bin.  (see ftp://www.process.com/ftp/pub/win95/toilet.zip)

  If I empty the recycle bin *while* connected over the MWave modem the
desktop crashes (and comes back).  This isn't a fatal problem, but is a bit of
an annoyance.  Most everything works fine otherwise.

 Lew Jansen                        Systems Manager, High Energy Physics Theory
 lrj@hepth.cornell.edu     233 Newman Lab, Cornell University, Ithaca NY 14853