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Re: Problems with Mwave 2.0

I ended up finding them on ftp.pcco.ibm.com in pub/mobiles

I'm not having tons of luck with v.34 though.  I did get one 24000
connection, but I would drop characters occasionally and I would
randomly get garbage characters while waiting at a unix prompt.

From: mehdi
To: tp750
Subject: Re: Problems with Mwave 2.0
Date: Thursday, September 28, 1995 10:43AM

> "I would consider us lucky if IBM is gracious enough to make the MWave 2.0
> files available somehwere besides Compuserve!"
> aren't they available on the bulletin board, that's where I always get
> stuff from ...

Unfortunately not this time... As of late last night, the files were not
available on the BBS.  This morning, they are still not available on the ftp

| Mehdi Attaran     mehdi@armon.rain.com     ..!uunet!m2xenix!armon!mehdi |
|                   Data: (503) 642-3270     Voice: (503) 649-0719        |