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Re: mwave 2.0

> i'm not a big fan of compuserve, but i guess i don't have much choice right 
> now.  so, can someone tell me where, exactly, to go?  <<duck>>  i mean on 
> compuserve.  to get the mwave 2.0 software.

The compuserve command is "GO THINKPAD".  You'll find the MWave 2.0 stuff in
library 2.  While you're there, you might want to grab the new FaxWorks Voice
v3.00g.058, and the new Follow Fax software they just posted in library 3.

| Mehdi Attaran     mehdi@armon.rain.com     ..!uunet!m2xenix!armon!mehdi |
|                   Data: (503) 642-3270     Voice: (503) 649-0719        |