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Re: MWave version 2.00

I have just installed Mwave2.00. It wiped out all the countries in 
"Country Selection" except Japan and US/Canada. As it happends I live
in Norway and my Mwave modem now only says "BUSY".

I tried to copy back the old datafiles in C:\MWW\WORLDTRD. I can now select
"Norway" but I get the message: MWME0001: Mwave Modem Internal Error
				Primary Code:5(0x0005)
				Secondary Code:4294967283(0xfffffff3)

Anyone outside US/Japan got MWave2.00 up and running?
//// Harald Skotnes		// Email: harald@staff.cs.uit.no  /
/// Dept. of Computer Science  // Phone: +47 77 64 41 16         //
// University of Tromsoe      // Fax: +47 77 64 40 54           ///	 
/ N-9037 TROMSOE NORWAY	     // Like it or not, it's One World ////