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Re: Question of someone w/ Dock II

Whoops...sorry..forgot...more questions...

I just wrote
>Hmmm..what kind of configuration do you have and what jumper setting (dual
>master/slave, etc...) on the caviar did you use?  I'm using an IBM
>Thinkpad 750C w/ the dock ii...latest system revision...

I'm also using the caviar 1280....does the thinkpad just recognize the large
hard drive w/out a bios upgrade?  i.e. you just plug in the hd and play?

NIVEN:     "There exist other minds that think as you do"
Corollary: "The gene-tampered turkey sitting next to you isn't 
            necessarily one of them"

	   Derek Chan (chan4@fas.harvard.edu, dchan@cybercom.net)