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thanks, gang!


   Is this mailing list the greatest, or what?

   I posted a question about the keyboard release tabs
   on my TP-755CX, and within an HOUR there are no fewer
   than SIX replies!  Many thanks to:

      Ted Baker <baker@ada.cs.fsu.edu>
      dewar@nile.gnat.com (Robert Dewar)
      "Lew Jansen" <lrj@hepth.cornell.edu>
      kress@gl.ciw.edu (Victor Kress)
      Mark_Strawcutter <MJSTRAW@grove.iup.edu>
      Don Ramsey <dramsey@ro.com>

   Seems like we all have the same bass-ackward release tabs.
   Yet, who are we to question what IBM, in their infinite
   wisdom, may have intended by this design "feature" :-)

Cheers, Joseph Brendan Manning (yep, JBM)

Joseph Manning / Computer Science / Vassar College / manning@cs.vassar.edu