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request for drive/memory info

Hi all,

I have been somewhat of a lurker on the list for the last eight months or 
so. I have a 360C and am looking to finally upgrade to a larger hardrive and 
more RAM.  I have a PALTRY 170 now, and I'm looking at 540 minimum with 
another 4-8 MB of RAM.

I know that a lot of poeople on this list are constantly upgrading their 
systems, so I figured it would be an ideal place to go for advice.  Where 
would give me the best prices on these poducts (I'm a university student so 
I am a tad price sensitive).

Thanks for the help

David S. Crombie
dcrombie@canuck.com                4 out of 5 people think the 5th person is 
an idiot.