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Mwave drivers for windows will work like a charm.
"I guarantee it," if I was George Foreman. :)

On Sun, 13 Aug 1995 dmoore@dill.lcs.mit.edu wrote:

> Thanks for the responses to my question regarding the fax/modem
> on my 755CE not working with OS/2.  Several people have
> suggested using Win95.  
> I will probably go that route when it is released, but in the meantime,
> could someone tell me whether or not the fax/modem works with
> Windows 3.1?  I would like to avoid downloading all the (seven?)
> mwave driver disks from the thinkpad FTP site (long distance
> call to my access provider!) just to find out they don't work.
> I've already blown $80 on OS/2, just to find that it doesn't work.
> Strange -- an IBM operating system doesn't support an IBM machine.

For example:

The instructions on installing os/2 mwave drivers alone is 7 pages
long! It didn't mention anything about enabling the serial
port from the BIOS either.  If the port is not enabled, 
com.sys is not coppied to os2/boot.  You then scrambling
to find out where you can locate com.sys from the install CD.

> Anyone: any luck with the mwave drivers under Win 3.1?
> Please email directly - I'll subscribe t the list when I have a
> local internet access provider -- this long distance stuff is
> killing me.
> Thanks for your help all!
> -Drew