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Re: Linux on TP755CE? - booting problems

I am having problems booting-up.  I have tried 3 different sets of 
boot/root disks.

I downloaded the latest from tsx-11 and tried the bare.gz and net.gz boot 
disks after gunzipping them and rawriting to floppies.  The HD geometry 
seems to be recognized fine - it detects the 3 partions correctly.

I get these errors:

  RAMDISK: 1474560 bytes starting at 0x....
  VFS: insert ramdisk floppy
  RAMDISK: Loading 1440 blocks into RAMDISK ..............................

  child XXX died with code ff00

The last line keeps repeating in aloop with XXX incremented each time.  I 
had to reboot with the same problem.

I also tried Dave Hind's (ftp://cb-iris.stanford.edu/pub/pcmcia) 
boot/root disks with PCMCIA support.  But I had a different problem.  The 
RAMDISK loaded fine.

  RAMDISK: loading 1440 blocks ....

  VFS: mounted root (minix filesystem)
  init: can't load library '/libc.so.4'
        No such library

I am stumped at this point.  I could use another sey of boot/root disks 
and give it a try.

Any idea what I may be doing wrong?



Valentine G. Anantharaj --------------- val@cast.msstate.edu ---
MSU - Center for Air-Sea Technology     vga1@ra.msstate.edu    |
Bldg. 1103, Room 233                    Tel.: (601)688-1157    |
Stennis Space Center                    Fax:  (601)688-7100    |
MS 39529-5005 --------------------------------------------------