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Memory upgrades for 755CX

  Okay, my 755CX is ordered, the port replicator I is ordered, etc.  I've
really appreciated everyone's advice and help so far.

  I've seen stuff about IC DRAM memory and another type which requires a
Memory Module Adaptor.  The latter variety is more expensive, but seems to
allow for greater expansion (two slots rather than one for the IC DRAM).

  I'm considering adding either 8M or 16M to the 755CX, but don't expect to
add any more during the time I own it; especially as a 16M IC DRAM card would
bring it up to 24M RAM.  Does anyone have a compelling reason what I should
spend more money (at least $80) for the version that requires the Memory
Module Adapter.  Any pointers to good, cheap sources for 755cx memory would be

  Thanks again.

 Lew Jansen                        Systems Manager, High Energy Physics Theory
 lrj@hepth.cornell.edu     233 Newman Lab, Cornell University, Ithaca NY 14853