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Re: letter from Olga! =) (Unverified)

On Jul 24,  9:06am, Michael Verne/VENTANA wrote:
> Subject: Re: letter from Olga! =) (Unverified)
> ".....Sorry.  The poster knew what he/she was doing, and very carefully
> forged a post via a machine that doesn't log incoming addresses.
> The message says that it came from physics1.byu.edu, but I don't
> believe it, because there would be no reason for physics1.byu.edu
> to route the message through UNCCVM.UNCC.EDU......"
> ~~~~~~~~~~
> My email shows a return address of romance@in.the.former.ussr.ua

That's obviously a FakeMail address.  Don't even bother...
