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Re: 755CE telephony kits

	Unfortunately, the telephony kit was omitted from the order (oops !); 
	can anyone tell me what's included in it, as it seems very expensive 
	(150 pounds here in Britain).  Also, as all I *really* need is a modem 
	cable, is it possible to just purchase one of these ?
The kit consists of two bits of cable and a box.  One cable goes from the
TP to the box and has a ferrite (I think) around it, presumably to
suppress spikes.  The box has various bits to protect the "delicate" BT
phone system from your nasty rough Thinkpad.  This is a requirement
of the BABT approvals stuff.

It is expensive, mine took over 2 months to come, but it works.  And if you
switch the lead to a US type one (which involves a screwdriver since they
clip off the lever to stop you doing this), then it works in the US too.

Oh what a giveaway :-)
