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Re: 755c audio on Windows 95

At 11:22 AM 6/8/95 +0200, Martin Patterson - Sun Microsystems wrote:
>There have been lots of questions about getting 755c audio working in different
>environments, here's one more.
>I would like to know if anyone has got the 755c audio device working under
>Windows 95 (beta)...?  Or NT 3.51?

well, i am running windows 95 on a 755CE.... here is the poop:

*Windows 95*:  no problem, audio works perfectly (both MIDI and WAV, and SB
in DOS).  I do not know for certain about a 755c, but I strongly suspect
that it will work fine as well.  why?  because windows 95 tries to use the
spiffy new 32-bit Windows 95 drivers for all devices.  however, if a 32-bit
driver does not exist for a device, windows 95 can use the old windows 3.1
16-bit driver.  on my thinkpad 755CE running windows 95, i am using native
32-bit drivers for disk drive, pcmcia controller (no more ibm ezplay
required, no more zillions of dos tsrs for pcmcia plug'n'play: it is all
built into win 95), 3com pcmcia ethernet card, and the western digital video
chipset in the thinkpad.  for audio, i am using the old win 3.1 driver from
ibm (oh, and yes, all other mwave stuff continues to work fine).  windows 95
even _autodetected_ my ibm port replicator, and setup 2 configurations
automatically (docked and undocked).  oh, and the win95 pcmcia support also
handles the extra slots in the port replicator just fine.  using the 32-bit
video driver with the western digital video is very nice; you can switch
screen resolutions "on the fly" without exiting windows.  with the pcmcia
drivers, novell drivers (built in to win95), winsock tcp/ip (also built in),
audio, etc, my ms-dos windows in win95 still have 608K available!  before
win95, my  config.sys was about 70 lines long (multiple configurations,
pcmcia/cdrom/novell drivers, etc); now, it is 3 lines long and everything
works better.  note i am using build 480 (significantly newer than the
"official last beta" release).  i was very, very skeptical about win95; but
so far, it has far exceeded my expectations in practically every aspect.
for the easiest install on a thinkpad, BACKUP YOUR ENTIRE HARD DISK!!!, and
then install Win95 _on top of_ your win3.1 installation (i.e. install into
c:\windows).  this is more of a pain if things do not work out, but it makes
the install easier because win95 can then automatically grab any 16bit
drivers it needs (like for audio) on the fly by analyzing your
\windows\system.ini, etc.  I am not going to involve myself in an OS flame
war; i think it is impossible to say if Win95 is better/worse than OS/2
Warp.  However, i say with 100% confidence that Win95 is MUCH, MUCH, MUCH
better than win3.1 !!!!  (damn well should be after 4+ years!!!)

*Windows NT*: i investigated this recently, and there are no audio drivers
available for NT on a Thinkpad.  Even worse, there are no video drivers
either: you are stuck with standard VGA, i.e. 640x480 at 16 colors.  and NT
3.51 pcmcia support is rather barebones.  Win NT (unlike win95) _cannot_
utilize win3.1 drivers.  does anybody know if Win95 32-bit drivers are
compatible with Win NT drivers?  can i take the win95 32-bit video driver
and use it in NT?  (i personally doubt it)

Todd Tannenbaum
CAE Model Advanced Facility
email: tannenba@engr.wisc.edu  ph: 608-262-3118