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Re: SVGA Win-OS/2 under Warp

>    Please could you tell me how to go about getting Warp for Windows (no 
>    Windows code with my Warp) working at resolutions higher than 
>    640x480x256c on an external monitor connected to my 755c. The standard 
>    wd0c24 drivers shipped with Warp refuse to go higher (don't even get 
>    the option) and installing the old 2.1 video features disk really 
>    messed up my system.
> Once you have installed the 2.1 video features, you're in real
> trouble.  I did this once and was only able to fix it by reinstalling
> Warp.  A friend also did this, and we were able to patch his system
> into a working state by manually comparing the files in his \os2
> directory with the files in mine, and copying two or three of the Warp
> files back onto his machine.
> Reinstalling the Warp video drivers doesn't work, because it doesn't
> seem to overwrite all of the necessary files.  Unfortunately, we
> didn't write down the list of files that we munged at the time, and
> now I no longer remember.

I re-installed the video drivers and managed to get the system 
working (sort of!). I also managed to get higher resolution (somebody 
on the list told me what to do). I am still having problems with 
Windows though. Would it be possible to send me a dir listing of your 
Windows and system dirs, plus a copy of your system.ini file. You are 
running Warp for Windows I presume.
Richard Ellerbrock (ECNE)