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Re: 755CE & Lithuim Ion ?

On May 12,  2:42pm, Randal Whittle wrote:
> Subject: Re: 755CE & Lithuim Ion ?
> > >From the message below, can I correctly assume that the new Lithium Ion
> > battery (for the 755CX, i guess) can work in a stock 755CE ????  or do the
> > LI batteries only work in  a 755CE which has been upgraded to a pentium?
> > i though someone was saying that the charging logic for NiMH and LI are
> > totally different....
> 	It is, but if they anticipated the CE model to take a lithium
> battery in the near future, perhaps they built-in the necessary
> logic/intelligence to adjust the charge methodology to accomodate
> a lithium-ion battery.


     I was talking to a couple of IBM engineers a while back, and they
mentioned that one of the reasons the ThinkPad battery is so expensive is
because it contains an 8051 microcontroller, voltage regulator, and charge
circuitry.  In other words, the battery supposedly contains all the charging

     With that in mind, does anyone know if the Lithium Ion batteries will work
in older ThinkPad models, especially the 755C :)


Robert George      Computer Engineer     (408) 656-3316 Fax: (408) 656-2814
Army Research Laboratory/AMSRL-SS-IC/2800 Powder Mill Rd/Adelphi, MD 20783
            URL: http://cs.nps.navy.mil/people/phd/george
"I am Homer of Borg, prepare to be assim... Ooooooooh donuts!"