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Re: OS/2 WARP and Windows video on 755c

> >I somehow managed to mess my video up under WINOS/2 on my thinkpad 
> >755c. I then did a selective install to attempt to correct the 
> >problem, but now it is worse than ever! When I run Windows, the 
> >display is zoomed up about four times its normal size and I can thus 
> >only see the top left quarter corner of Windows screen! I think there 
> >is a problem with either the win.ini file or system.ini file. I would 
> >appreciate it if somebody with the same configuration could forward 
> >me copies of thier files.
> >
> Sounds like your resolution has altered.  If it's just the windows that are
> large, and the icons and text are the coreect size, you just need to resize
> all of the windows.  It's because they may have been created under a higher
> resolution that what you are at now.  I have that happen,not on my TP but
> under desktops when I changed drivers.

Nope, the resolution stayed the same. All that changed is that I went 
from VGA to SVGA (ie 256 colours in 640x480 res). It looks like the 
whole Windows screen has been zoomed up about four times it's normal 
Richard Ellerbrock (ECNE)