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Re: 755C, DockII (with Adaptec SCSI), and Linux

Derek V. Chan wrote:

> >Hi.
> >
> >I have the above equipment.
> >I'm trying to get a SCSI interface to work with it.
> >So far, no luck.
> >
> >I have a NEC 4x CD-ROM and 2 gig HD attached to the Dock II SCSI
> >port.  I've also built the latest Linux kernel (v1.2.3) using all
> >the Adaptec drivers..  But my machine doesn't recognise any SCSI
> >devices when it boots!!!
> The 1542P is compatible w/ the 152x series.
> Add the following to your lilo config:
> aha152x=0x340,11,7,1 <--assuming you have not messed w/ your current Dock II
> config (adaptor should still be at 7)

Does anyone know how to get Linux to recognise the Dock I SCSI card  ?


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