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Re: TP750 and QEMM

     Just My thoughts (and experience) get rid of QEMM.  That solved most 
     of the problems I have encountered relating to Windows and exception 
     ...Mike Eddy...

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Subject: TP750 and QEMM
Author:  Thor +ivind Jensen <Thor.Jensen@aorg.uib.no> at Internet
Date:    4/5/95 9:00 AM

I have now found the circumstances behin my system crashes:
P705C, QEMM 7.5 , IBM DOS 6.3. Windows 3.1
If I open a DOS box and thereafter use FileManager to move a file 
(drag and drop) to a: , trhen I have a full crash (Exeption 6) evvery 
Any suggestions ? I have tried many different Qemm setups.