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Hi all!  Just joined and wanted (as the welcome letter suggests) to introduce 
myself.  I guess I'm what you'd call a mobile worker.  I gave up my office 
about two years ago and work strictly out of my home or on the road.

I do a couple of different things.  One, I develop and deliver education to 
corporations that are mobilizing their sales force.  The topics generally are 
geared towerd teaching people that are getting new ThinkPads, how to use them 
effectively in their day to day lives.  I cover hardware, Operating systems 
software (OS/2 and DOS/Windows), application software (Suites, Comm, Fax, 
etc), working in a mobile environment, LAN (direct and dial up) communication 
issues (digital vs analog, dial methods, etc), and customer applications.  
Basically, it's how to use the tools that they have to do their jobs 
effectively.  I have been doing it for about two years and, I must admit, I 
have a lot of fun.

I have a 750C, 12MB, 340MB, 14.4 DataFax and 16/4 Token Ring.  I have two 
hard drives, one with a Windows platform and one with an OS/2 platform.

Second, I am co-owner of a company called InComm that specializes in 
marketing products specifically for mobile professionals.  Our products, 
include Inverters, Telephone Loop Current Testers (these identify digital and 
analog lines and also identify reversed polarity on analog ports), and most 
importantly -- mobile travel kits.  The travel kits include a variety of 
tools such as a super lightweight parallel cable, worldwide power adapters, 
worldwide phone adapters and a Telecoupler which allows you to use any 
handset (even cellular or digital) to communicate at up to 14.4.

I hope to gain a lot of knowledge from all of you and want to reciprocate by 
offering any help I can to questions that you might have.

|| InComm           E-mail: Kris <incomm@ibm.net>      ||
|| ******               Sensible Solutions             ||
|| Information                for the                  ||
|| Communication           Road Warrior                ||