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Re: Spinning down hard drive?

  Can you run a DOS box in Linux?
  If so, try running COLAP.COM /T and pressing Right Shift and DELETE
    at the same time.  It will send an immediate spin down which
    will persist until any process hits the disk.  This worked under
    OS/2 2.1 and DOS in my TP750C.  My toshiba T200 however catches
    a memory violation under windows, so your mileage may vary.
  Good luck.  (Full text of Colap.doc available for your asking.  It's
  8K so I don't want to waster bandwidth.)  COLAP is freely distributed.

On Sun, 5 Feb 1995, David Fox wrote:

> My TP755CE hard disk doesn't spin down when idle under Linux.  Is
> there a way to get this to happen?  Is there power management support
> under Linux yet?  I like it to spin down even when its plugged in
> because the noise bugs me.  Sorry to join the list with so many
> questions and so few answers....
> -david