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HARDWARE: what keyboard works with the Dock I?

 I'm using a 750C in a Dock I and am using the IBM M4-1 keyboard (from Lexmark). This keyboard is the TP external keyboard, complete with trackpoint.  The cable from the kb has two ends to connect to the Dock, one for the kb and one for the mouse.  Since I didn't like the way the mouse seemed to act, I pulled the plug from the dock and plugged in a MS mouse instead!  This has been working fine for almost a year now!!
 Hope this helps!!
 John A. Burns                                                 Phone: (214) 591-6581
 Sr. Technical Specialist                               Fax: (214) 531-6581
 Advanced Information Technologies        PROFS/jMail: JABURNS
 JCPenney Co., Inc.                                         net: jaburns@jcpenney.com
 *** Forwarded Note ***
 Subject: HARDWARE: what keyboard works with the Dock I?
 From: Keith Moore <moore@CS.UTK.EDU>
 Date: Jan 08 00:07
 To: tp750@CS.UTK.EDU
 CC: moore@CS.UTK.EDU
 After over a year of owning a Dock I, I'm finally using it for its
 intended purpose -- as a convenient way to connect my tp750 to an
 external monitor, ethernet card, mouse, etc. while I'm at home.  Now
 all I need is a keyboard.
 But every time I've tried to use a keyboard with the Dock 1 it hasn't
 worked.  If anyone has a keyboard working with the Dock 1, could you
 please tell me exactly what kind (vendor & model #) you are using?
 Also tell me what kind of thinkpad you have, in case it matters.
 Keith Moore
 *** End Forwarded Note ***