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Re: QUES: Imigosh! A MAC!!!

At 10:05 AM 1/3/95 -0800, Roger Buffington wrote:
>It's true that the number of OS/2 native apps is disappointing.  However, 
>the picture is perhaps not **quite** as bleak as you paint it.  There are 
>any number of excellent terminal programs native to OS/2, for example.  
>And there are two very good wordprocessors: Ami Pro and DeScribe (I use 
>and recommend the latter).  Lotus is committed to 123-for-OS/2, so an 
>excellent spreadsheet is also available.  I find that I rarely use 
>Windows apps any more due to the foregoing; about the only ones I use are 
>the Lotus Organizer and a legal program which is only available in a 
>Windows version (Lexus for Windows.)
>BTW, Warp's interface is even nicer than OS/2 2.1's desktop.
>                                             rogjd@netcom.com
>                                             Glendale, CA 
>                                             AB6WR

How 'bout a newsreader and mailreader native to OS/2?
FTP software makes a Pctcp interface,but the best overlays
to read news & mail are windows applications; like the
Eudora I'm using now or Mosaic/Netscape. Any equivalents
in OS/2 land? They'd make me move since I agree about the good
WP and spreadsheets available.

Bob Kirk