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Re: WIN95: appropriate?

At 10:14 PM 12/19/94 -0500, Eric A Cottrell wrote:
>If you been partially released from the NDA, can you discuss how good it runs
>compared to WIN31?

Well, I'm still running it :)
I have a 755cs with 12meg, and I was constantly running out of resources in
win31.  I do a lot of www work, and need to have netscape, photoshop,
editors, etc, open at once, and just being rid of that old win31 nemesis
would have been enough for me.

>Of course that is not always valid to compare betas as some
>betas are faster than the released code. You cannot always trust a feature
>in the beta to be in the release and it seem that there has been some added
>features recently unveiled.

I entered the beta late, but I understand that the previous beta was faster.
Don't know how much.. I haven't noticed much of a speed difference between
win95 and win31.

>In light of past experience I get a chuckle over heavy discussions about how
>great WIN95 is. It may be but I rather wait until it is released.

I'm pleased with it, I love the interface, it works great, there are some
bugs, and I do still crash sometimes, but it handles them pretty well, and I
certainly feel like I've upgraded..

>My personal opinion is to keep it on the list and put an WIN95: in front.
>I would think that there would be an Win95 mailing list already.

That seems to be the general consensus.
jesse montrose          jesse@spine.com http://www.buzznet.com/people/jesse/
                        I don't recycle.  I'm a consumer, damn it, I consume