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Re: How do I set up multiple autoexec.bat's and config.sys's in PCDOS?

Multiple configurations in the config.sys and autoexec.bat are done the same
way in MS-DOS and in PC-DOS 6.3.  I know of know differences between them.
At least I can say that what I had been doing under MS-DOS transfered without
a hitch.

Len Jacobson

> From @amdahl.uts.amdahl.com:owner-tp750@CS.UTK.EDU Sun Dec 18 13:18 PST 1994
> X-Resent-To: tp750@CS.UTK.EDU ; Sun, 18 Dec 1994 15:38:13 EST
> From: dvchan@netcom.com (Derek Chan)
> Subject: How do I set up multiple autoexec.bat's and config.sys's in PCDOS?
> To: tp750@CS.UTK.EDU (Thinkpad tp750@cs.utk.edu)
> Date: Sun, 18 Dec 1994 12:38:10 -0800 (PST)
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Howdy!
> I know you can set up multiple config.sys's and autoexec.bat's in MSDOS.
> I ftped the ibm pcdos 6.3 from ibm, and it has support for multiple 
> configurations.  However, there is no documentation (as it was ftped).  
> Could someone who has the manual for 6.3 please post how to set up 
> mulltiple configurations.  It's apparently not done in the same way that 
> MSDOS does multiple configurations.
> Thanks.