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DOCK II woes


Ok I got the fine task of figuring out how to get my Boss' new DOCK II
up and working. Any suggestions, comments, warnings, prayers?

The specs:
     540 SCSI drive IBM3540 in 1" bay (the left one)
    20MB RAM
    IBM 144 Fax/modem
  OS/2 v2.1

The DOCKII controller can see the 540 drive at any SCSI address I set when
the dock comes up. It gives the SCSI address the drive type IBM3540 with a
"!W" tacked onto the end.

OS/2 and DOS fdisk's NEVER see the DOCK II drive! The interal Easy setup
doesnt acknowlege the existance of a 2nd Harddrive. I can force the
boot sequence and get the "No Operating System found" code tho.

I copied the OS/2 adaptek driver from the
provided disk. I didnt see how its going to "auto-magikcally" load the 
driver tho, no meantion of actually putting it into the config.sys. 
I tried just that and it trapped the TP hard! 

I dont want to put the bios update on the TP cause the bio on it now is of
a higher level and works just fine.

Dont even say put WARP on, I got enough headaches at the present.

Im at my ropes end, any suggestions?

IMHO its a bigger "toy" than the DOCKI with more to go wrong it it from
my standpoint. Kinda nice having extra PCMCIA slots and 2 ISA and 2 drive 
capability. Only think I dont like about it really is Im not the one with
the TP :-<, I only get to service, maintain, coax and sweet talk the one
belonging to my boss!

Thanks in Advance

Joe Foss