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Obligatory ThinkPad related info:  Someone in comp.sys.laptops posted that
Adaptec has SCSI PCMCIA drivers for OS/2, and they're just waiting for IBM
to fix OS/2's PCMCIA support (something about the PCMCIA driver load order
precluding a SCSI driver).

In message Thu, 8 Dec 1994 21:13:25 -0500 (EST),
  "STEVE GODFREY, 613 788-4386" <GODFREY@physics.carleton.ca>  writes:

>From traffic in this group I got the impression that WARP is pretty good
> so I took the plunge and got a copy.  Before I install it are there
> any warnings or advice...

Go visit comp.os.os2.setup.  There seems to be a consensus building that
the Works portion of the bonus pack is deadly for performance.  You may
want to not install it, play with it for a few days, then install it and
see if your performance drops.  Also, you should have at *least* 8MB.
12MB is better,  20MB is grand.
| |                                                                     |
| | John H. Kim    "None of what you are seeing is actually happening." |
| | jokim@mit.edu        - disclaimer for TV movie 'Without Warning'    |
| | jokim@uni.uiuc.edu     jokim@tuna.mit.edu does not work (yet)       |