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Re: Re: TrackPoint III

> >> >Hi, I was wondering what the difference was between the TrackPoint II
> >> >and the TrackPoint III?
> >
> >> Um, as I understand, there are only two differences:  1.  Improved no-slip
> >> rubber "clit";
> >
> >   Umm...are you sure you meant to use that word?!  ;)
> Well, it kinda fits, wouldn't you say?  
> Then again, I suppose the Trackpoint *is* a lot easier to find :-)   
> Still, I imagine that us ThinkPadders have among the best-trained index
> fingers in the universe, and it's only a matter of time before the word gets
> out ... <big grin>

i've worn mine out...well not just me.  all the guys in my dorm make 
good use of my ThinkPad 350 and its TrackPoint II :>

PS - anyone know the easiest way to get a replacement.  i'm stuck in 
Storrs, CT (20min east of Hartford).
thanks in advance. guy

.                        Guy W. Farrell                              .
.                   Laboratory Science House                         .
.            University of Connecticut - Class of 199?               .
.                                                                    .
.E-mail: gfarrell@dormnet.stu1.uconn.edu                             .
.V-mail: (203) 427-2864                                              .