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Re: HD info

The deal is still available. Make sure however that you use 
Peter Kusinski as a contact. 

Martin P. Smith msmith@netcom.COM

On Thu, 8 Dec 1994, Don Whiteside wrote:

> Against my better judgement.....
> We keep seeing requests for info on the HD upgrades, and I don't think it's 
> made it into the FAQ yet. So..... people can now point their web browsers at 
> http://www.shadow.net/~dwhite/thinkpad.html and see the crappy little page I 
> have set up to serve the text files I have saved on the subject.
> Current topics are:
>   Mreagin's comments about using a NEC 3xp cdrom with his pad. (If you want 
> me to take it off, M, let me know - don't want to step on your intelectual 
> property or nothing.....)
>   The 3 message conversation John Kim and I had about what would be necessary 
> to remove the HD from the case and put a bigger HD in.
>   The Sigma Data info for replacement drives
>   The Sigma Data deal for TP list members. I'm uncertain if this is still 
> available - if it's not, tell me and I'll kill it from the page.
> ========================================================================
> Donald Alan Whiteside			School of Computer Science
> Eternal Student				Florida International University
>     GCS d-- -p+(---) l u+(-) e+ m+ s !n h f g+ w+ t+(++) r- y++
>       I am NSA of Borg: your private key will be assimilated.
> ========================================================================