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It's a BOY!

	Just a quick announcement to all:

	Last night on December 1 at 6:08 pm, we were blessed with the
arrival of MacLean Parker Whittle.  He weighed in at 6 lbs, 14 oz. and
measured 19 inches in length.  His hairline looks something like his
grandfather's.  ;)  Mom looks surprisingly slender--that pregnant gut
was all baby and nothing else!  All the nurses were jealous.

	His mother spent 18 hours in labor, but one part of her body
just wouldn't cooperate, and her cervix refused to dilate beyond 3
or 4 cm, even with some help from pitosin to increase the strength
of contractions.  MacLean decided he had had enough of pushing his head
into a 3 cm hole in a wall, and signaled it was time to come out by
other means when his heart rate dropped dramatically. So a little
"slice and dice" was in order.

	Baby is healthy and Mother is ecstatic, but sore.  ;)

	Daddy is trying to still meet early grad school application
deadlines despite the excitment.

	Thus dawns the arrival of our first "little whittle".


-----                                          ________________________________
Randy Whittle    whittle@usc.edu               |  Some guy hit my fender the  |
USC School of Business (Fight on, 'SC Trojans!)|other day, and I said unto him|
  (My opinions are mine, but since I'm         |  "Be fruitful and multiply." |
    right, they should be yours too.)          |   --but not in those words.  |